Do you find that you tend to use a small number of stitches that you are comfortable with and forget the huge variety that you could use? I know I do and also that I don't always explore and stretch familiar stitches enough. On the Hand Embroidery Network Blog, Sarah is featuring a different stitch each day with instructions for working it. I have decided to challenge myself to try and work a small sample of each stitch each day using different weights of one colour of thread and aiming to try and use it creatively. E.g perhaps to work it diagonally, or haphazardly, or meandering, etc. If you fancy having a go leave a comment to let me know and from time to time post a link to your blog and photos so we can see how you are getting on. If doing a stitch a day is too much perhaps aim for one or two a week? Anyone interested? Today's featured stitch is Algerian Eye and there is a link to the blog on the right.
OK Pat....have decided to give it a go! will keep checking in.