It has been an age since I last posted but at long last I have the internet connection (it took 6 weeks after our move to get connected) and the time to start posting again. The last few weeks have been really busy trying to get the house straight (still failing on that one) and generally getting to grips with things. There have been delays and hiccuphs - such as problems with our water supply which was so useless I couldn't use the washing machine and had to filter all our drinking water - but although we are still waiting for our shower to be plumbed things are slowly moving forward now and the water is now good and plentiful. As you've probably guessed it is from a spring so no chlorine or chemicals which is wonderful.

I have managed some stitching time and have a split nine patch quilt on the go. The pic shows the blocks laid out but I want to make 3 more to make it larger. All of the fabric has come out of my stash - I had to use some before I went to the Great Northern Quilt Show and added anymore! - and I have used some of the fat quarters which I couldn't resist when I bought them but then couldn't use. It has taken less than a day to stitch the blocks so it seems like a good pattern when you need something ready in a hurry. I came across it at
I finally finished the above quilt which I call Goose Chase. Well I had to because I entered it for the Great Northern Quilt Show. It is the first time I have entered a competitive show and it nearly didn't get there! As it had been so long in the making I decided it should be washed before it went on view and one of the colours in the central ring bled. I managed to sort it but nearly had heart failure at the thought of all that work potentially ruined. I don't usually wash fabrics before piecing as I like to work with the crisp fabric but this might make me make think twice.
This quilt had also been on its travels. I was delighted when it was accepted for the Quilters Guild Summer in the Park Exhibition at Rufford Craft Centre in Nottinghamshire. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get to see it having just moved etc.
I will hopefully be posting more regularly now and still have lots of things to share so until then...........
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