My husband was working in Sunderland this morning and as I have been wanting to see the exhibition of local textile group Fusion, which is at Sunderland Minster until 14th May, I cadged a lift and spend a most enjoyable morning there. I visited the Minster first and as I was early I had the church and the exhibition to myself and was really able to spend time appreciating both the beauty and peace of the building and the work displayed. Here are 3 of my personal favourites. From left to right -Bede by Melitta Butterall, which is an exquisitely worked goldwork piece, Save our Soles by Donna Cheshire, and St Mark by Victoria McLeod whose robes are worked very effectively in chain stitch. After a visit to the Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens, I finished with a stroll in Mowbray Gardens where inspiration struck! I'm not a fan of the regimental planting that is so often seen in parks but the colours combinations here were amazing and I think could translate into some stunning quilts. Here are the pics.
Alcohol Inks - information and WARNINGS about use!
17 hours ago